The Energy Sciences Area (ESA) is Berkeley Lab’s home for fundamental research in materials and chemical sciences. Comprising four scientific divisions — including two Office of Science-funded national user facilities — and major collaborative interdisciplinary research programs, centers, and capabilities. ESA fosters scientific excellence, external partnerships, and diverse teams to achieve transformational breakthroughs in materials and chemistry that provide the foundations for new energy, information, and quantum technologies.

The ALS is an Office of Science user facility that serves as one of the world’s premier sources of X-ray, infrared, and ultraviolet light for scientific research ranging from advanced materials and novel chemistry to protein crystallography and 3D biological imaging.

CSD is the home of fundamental research in chemistry and chemical engineering at Berkeley Lab, with a portfolio that spans from atomic to macroscopic scales and from the timescales of electron motion to chemical transformations.

In MSD, researchers advance the fundamental science of materials within the context of global energy-related challenges, developing techniques to design, discover and understand materials for a wide range of applications, including solar cells, computer chips, and nanoscale devices.

The Molecular Foundry is an Office of Science user facility for nanoscale science, providing researchers from around the world with access to cutting-edge expertise and instrumentation in a collaborative, multidisciplinary environment.

ESA’s diverse portfolio of centers addresses pressing research needs and provides advanced tools and instrumentation.

An integrated, state-of-the-art cluster of research buildings for materials and chemistry sciences is envisioned to be built at the top of Charter Hill adjacent to the Advanced Light Source. The vision for the Charter Hill Campus is to support multidisciplinary research that bridges basic and applied science.